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شركة شاندونغ يوشين للحديد والصلب المحدودة

الفولاذ الاحترافي العالمي

بصفتنا شركة عالمية للصلب، فإننا نجسد "الصلب الاحترافي العالمي". التزامنا بالتميز والابتكار في تصنيع الصلب معترف به في جميع أنحاء العالم. نحن نخدم مجموعة كبيرة من الصناعات بمنتجاتنا الفولاذية عالية الجودة والمتينة التي تلبي أكثر المعايير الدولية صرامة. ومع تركيزنا على تعدد الاستخدامات والمتانة، يحظى فولاذنا بثقة المتخصصين على مستوى العالم.

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5 أبريل 2022

In a move that underscores its commitment to environmental stewardship, Fengshi STEEL launched a comprehensive community-focused environmental initiative on April 5, 2022. The project, known as “Green Tomorrow,” showcases the company’s pledge to sustainable practices and its responsibility towards the community.

The multi-faceted program includes the planting of 10,000 trees in local parks, a collaboration with schools for environmental education, and the establishment of a community recycling program. “It’s imperative that our impact extends beyond business,” said Yi Ming, Fengshi’s Community Relations Director.

Central to this initiative is the partnership with local schools. Fengshi employees have committed to monthly educational sessions, fostering environmental awareness among students. The company is also sponsoring local artists to create public art installations from recycled materials, further beautifying the community while underscoring the importance of recycling.

“Green Tomorrow” reflects Fengshi STEEL’s understanding that their role in the community isn’t confined to industrial economic contributions. It’s a broader commitment to ensuring the sustainability and enrichment of the environment for future generations.

December 9, 2022 – Fengshi STEEL Recognized for Women’s Empowerment Initiatives

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